The Rev'd Dr Michael Godfrey
Mob: 022 342 9977
Lay Ministers
Jan Cockerill Els Kleinjan Kirsty Sharpe Judythe Thew
We are sad that Jan Sadly (for us) Our sole remaining It was with great and Michael have moved to Te Ika lay minister - but sorrow that
upsticked to Gore: a Maui (the North we don't want to we learned of
our loss is Gore's gain Island) ... Ka kite presume too much Judythe's death Els of an emerita! on December 9th,
2023. Go with God,
Parish Choir Judythe: we embrace you and
The choir sings each Sunday at 10.30 am. your family with
Practices are on Thursdays at 6 pm. our love.
Alison Frude (Choir Director)
Tel: (03) 441 3354